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Official Statistics: UK trade in goods by declared currency of invoice 2022

This release provides the estimates on trade in goods by currency as declared on trade invoices in 2022.



The Currency of Invoice for UK trade with countries outside the EU was collected under EU legislation from 2010 to 2020. It is being collected for all trade declared via Customs systems under UK legislation for 2021 onwards. This includes GB exports to the EU from 2021 and GB imports from the EU from 2022 onwards.

Published 27 April 2023

This release provides the estimates on trade in goods by currency as declared on trade invoices in 2022.



The Currency of Invoice for UK trade with countries outside the EU was collected under EU legislation from 2010 to 2020. It is being collected for all trade declared via Customs systems under UK legislation for 2021 onwards. This includes GB exports to the EU from 2021 and GB imports from the EU from 2022 onwards.

Published 27 April 2023