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Promotional material: Customs Declaration Service communication pack

Published 16 September 2019

Last updated 18 May 2022
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  1. 18 May 2022

    Added ‘Declarant Checklist – Moving to the Customs Declaration Service’ and ‘Trader Checklist – Moving to the Customs Declaration Service’ to the page.

  2. 19 October 2021

    Published an updated version of the ‘Customs Declaration Service stakeholder toolkit’, and added ‘Key differences between CHIEF and the Customs Declaration Service’ to the page.

  3. 25 March 2021

    Link to the new requirements when completing an import declaration on the Customs Declaration Service added.

  4. 4 November 2020

    The UK imports guide and UK exports guide have been added to the Customs Declaration Service communication pack.

  5. 15 April 2020

    Removed migration timetable on page 7 of Customs Declaration Service toolkit – a new timetable will be published shortly.

  6. 16 September 2019

    First published.

Published 16 September 2019

Last updated 18 May 2022
+ show all updates

  1. 18 May 2022

    Added ‘Declarant Checklist – Moving to the Customs Declaration Service’ and ‘Trader Checklist – Moving to the Customs Declaration Service’ to the page.

  2. 19 October 2021

    Published an updated version of the ‘Customs Declaration Service stakeholder toolkit’, and added ‘Key differences between CHIEF and the Customs Declaration Service’ to the page.

  3. 25 March 2021

    Link to the new requirements when completing an import declaration on the Customs Declaration Service added.

  4. 4 November 2020

    The UK imports guide and UK exports guide have been added to the Customs Declaration Service communication pack.

  5. 15 April 2020

    Removed migration timetable on page 7 of Customs Declaration Service toolkit – a new timetable will be published shortly.

  6. 16 September 2019

    First published.